As entrepreneurs, we are naturally creative. We've built our businesses from the ground up and our ability to solve problems, look at things from a different angle, and embrace new ways of taking action are what helps our businesses continue to grow. As we move through life and business, different factors can take a toll on us, so read on for these 8 ways to boost creativity.
Ways to Boost Creativity
Sometimes, the pressure of creating content, launching programs and the general running of a business can cause our innate creativity to dampen. We need to take the time to continually nurture and take care of our creativity to ensure we are showing up as our best selves for our biz!
Here are my top eight ways to boost your creativity:
1. Read, learn, and exercise your brain.
Have you ever read a page and then just had 1,000,000,000 ideas of how you can turn that into a live, post, or email? Working your brain and exposing it to new ideas and ways of thinking is magic for your creativity.
2. Move your body and energy.
New environments and energies create flow. Get your body moving and in turn, your mind will receive this energy.
3. Surround yourself with people.
Surround yourself (virtually or in-person) with people that spark joy, excitement, and fun. Surrounding yourself with positive, like-minded people is amazing for your creativity. BONUS points if you do something that nurtures your creativity together, like a walk, painting class, or book club.
4. Do something different.
CHANGE is growth. If what you're doing is making you feel stuck or draining your energy and creativity, change it up and do something different.
5. Reflect on your journey.
Look how far you’ve come and let that inspire you! Spend some time in reflection and let the ideas flow!
6. Listen to music.
Listen to music that reminds you of adventures, experiences, and good times! You never know what lyric might spark something huge for you.
7. Take time offline.
Nothing good comes from forcing yourself through those low times. Take the time away you need to restore your energy and your creativity!
8. Listen to inspirational stories and people.
We are all inspired by what we hear, and this is a great way to feed your mind with nuggets of gold!
Which number will you focus on this week? Let me know in the comments below!
If you're looking to surround yourself with like-minded individuals, be inspired, and boost your creativity, click here to apply for the Expansion Mastermind!