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  • Writer's pictureSamantha Hearne

Five Rules Of Taking Ownership

Taking ownership of yourself, your brand and your business is one of the most crucial parts of being an entrepreneur. By taking responsibility and owning your growth, you learn to create opportunities that allow you to expand and flourish.

5 Ways to Take Ownership and Responsibility in Your Business

Here are my top five rules for taking ownership in your business. I've learned and try to live by these rules every day.

  1. I dictate what I do or don’t focus on/work on.

  2. My habits and daily actions influence what comes next.

  3. If I’m in a situation I don’t like, it’s up to me to change it.

  4. If my business has gone down a path that no longer excites me, it’s up to me to do something about it.

  5. I must take responsibility for the business I am building and live in.

What you do today has the power to open up and create opportunities you don’t even know about yet.

Owning Your Power

Taking ownership is the key to opening up all you are waiting for and all that you don’t even know to comprehend yet.

Remember, your greatest power lies within you and the only thing with the capacity to dim that is your belief that you have it at all!

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