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How to Boost Engagement on Instagram

Writer's picture: Samantha HearneSamantha Hearne

The Instagram algorithm is constantly changing, leaving many entrepreneurs wondering how to boost engagement on Instagram. If your engagement is down and your reach has slumped, check out these 5 things to focus on to boost it back up.

5 Ways to Boost Engagement on Instagram

1. Set Your Intention.

Being online for your business and marketing your business isn’t just about the instant external metrics. Focus on what your intention is. Share and show up as if EVERYONE is seeing it. Your audience (however big or small) deserves the best from you.

2. Know Your Audience.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t go viral or have people sharing your content left, right, and centre. It matters that the people seeing it are the RIGHT people. People that are ALIGNED to your message, business, and services. It's so important to be SPECIFIC and talk to them.

3. Audit Your Profile.

Have you lost sight of why you are even on Instagram and find yourself getting caught in the next trending audio trap, etc?

Ask yourself if your profile can answer these 3 questions:

  • Can someone instantly see what I do / how I can help?

  • Are my services visible, clear, and easy to find information on?

  • What is my energy like in my content? Is it easy to connect with me?

4. Showcase, Share, and Celebrate.

No matter who is seeing or engaging with your content, remember to showcase what you do, share social proof, value, information on your services, what is relevant to your business, and celebrate it all, no matter how big or small.

5. Refocus.

If you’re getting sucked into the metrics and worrying about how to boost engagement on Instagram, it can be hard to maintain positivity and show up online as your best self.

Instead, refocus on these 3 things:

  • Clients and the impact you’re having.

  • New enquiries or conversions coming into your world.

  • Hitting your actual business goals each week / month / quarter!

Which of these are you going to focus on right now? Let me know in the comments!

If you need more support with building your online presence on Instagram, check out my FREE Social Media Masterclass.


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