Has anyone ever said something to you along the lines of, “That looks amazing, but that is only for the lucky ones. Not everyone can end up with XYZ.” Or maybe they’ve said something similar that has subtly cut down all of the hard work you’ve put in to get to where you are. I want you to always remember that luck has nothing to do with it.
Luck has nothing to do with it, so don't listen to them.
I'm not sure if you follow me over on Instagram, you've heard me share about the big wins and experiences I am blessed to be a part of. And guess what? None of that happened because of luck or some good fortune that got me there. Luck has nothing to do with it.
What got me there was:
Saying no to my friends and family to do my weekly Facebook lives on Fridays and Sundays.
Working weekends to build up just about everything in my business.
Planning content and writing ideas down during my breaks from teaching full-time.
Working my summer holidays and half-terms to make extra money.
Starting at the beginning and not giving up.
Doing coaching sessions for £99 to build my brand and serve my growing community.
It was knockbacks, hard lessons, tears in the bath, and so, so much second-guessing.
The moral of the story is this...
ANYONE can make their dreams become their reality.
ANYONE can choose to change the course of their life.
ANYONE can start to save and watch their money grow. (I started small at £20 a month).
ANYONE can end up living their dream life.
It isn't about luck, some hidden fortune, or being ‘a certain type of person.’
It’s about commitment, consistency, passion, and a vision.
YOU can create anything, I mean anything, if you CHOOSE to believe it
So this year, I am ticking things off my bucket list, treating Luke and I, being treated, enjoying culture, saying yes to what feels good, and soaking up every single day.
You know why? Because I have given up a lot to be exactly where I am right now and I want to enjoy every possible second of it.
Remember - what you dream of can and will become your reality, if you choose to believe it. Commit to it.
Claim it and show up to make it happen.
Luck has nothing to do with it, but YOU have EVERYTHING to do with it.
What are you choosing to commit to today to make your dreams happen tomorrow?