When you're trying to grow a business, there's only so much thinking, analyzing, worrying, doubting, avoiding, delaying, and procrastinating you can do. Results don't come from waiting or doing the same things over and over, on your own, and hoping they'll work. Check out this 12-step plan of action for business and start taking intentional action right now!
1. Complete an audit of your business for the year so far.
Audit your wins, challenges, triumphs, celebrations, and content from the year so far. Take that knowledge to make a plan of action for what to do next in your business.
2. Post a piece of content you’ve been sitting on.
Whether you've been sitting on this content because it's different than anything you've ever done or because you don't feel like it's "perfect" yet, pull the plug and post it! Don't overanalyze it. Get that idea and value out into the world!
3. Share client wins with your community and promote your capacity and availability for new clients.
Sharing your client wins and testimonials with your community is a key piece of your action plan for business. They need to see that real people like them are getting results by working with you. This will help move them through the customer value journey and get them ready to work with you. Be sure to communicate that you are taking new clients and how many spaces you have left. This creates that epic sense of urgency.
4. Create a poll, question box, or survey to get feedback from your community.
Let your community guide your offers and how you serve your clients. Ask them to provide honest feedback that you can use to improve your future offers and determine what it is that your clients need most and find valuable in working with you.
5. Map out your next launch or programme for the following quarter.
The next quarter of the year is just around the corner, so map out your next launch or programme so you can keep the momentum going. Start planning backwards and setting out your timeline so you can tackle all of the steps with flow and energy, instead of feeling rushed, overwhelmed, and stressed.
6. Say yes to the investment you keep putting off!
I'm a firm believer in investing in yourself, your personal growth, and your professional growth. Whatever that investment is that you've been putting off, but you KNOW you need, just say YES and commit to it already. Whether it's a new sales training, program, mastermind, or 1:1 coaching, it's time to believe in yourself enough to go for it.
7. Clear your emails.
Take the time to reply to your leads and enquiries and follow up with those you haven't heard from yet. Don't leave paying clients sitting in your inbox. It's time to take action and get those conversations rolling. Timeliness is key when it comes to responding to your leads and following up.
8. Create a new training or freebie for your audience.
Give yourself a goal to launch this new training or freebie in the next 2-3 weeks. Don't push it off any longer. Create it (or pull from something you already have that you haven't promoted yet), create your promotion plan, and start taking action so you can launch it on time.
9. Create a list of tasks you can delegate to your team.
If you have a team, start delegating the tasks on your list and set timelines for each one. Then, send them out to your team today so they can start working on them. These could be tasks that don't light you up, that you don't have the skills to do, or that simply take up your creative brain space that you could be using for income producing activities in your business.
10. Connect and network.
Spend time connecting and networking in spaces that will allow you, your brand, and your messaging to be seen and heard by new people. Put yourself out there for new opportunities.
11. Journal on this question: What keeps holding me back when I know I am capable of more?
The mindset piece of your action plan for business is huge. You must move past the roadblocks that are keeping you stuck where you are. Get out on paper what is holding you back so you can be mindful of it and tackle those limiting beliefs.
12. Create a word of the week.
Think about how you want this week to finish. Think of a word that represents that and set that as your word of the week that you'll focus on throughout each day and each task that you complete.
As you work through this action plan for business, remember that action creates clarity, breeds momentum, moves you forward, shows you what's possible, and generates feedback and results.
Tell me in the comments, which step are you taking action on this week?