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  • Writer's pictureSamantha Hearne

The Power of Investing in Yourself

In business, you can choose to watch and wonder, or you can choose to invest and learn. There is SUCH a big difference in what actually moves you forward. Read on to learn the true power in investing in yourself.

Watching Others vs Investing in Yourself

Following, watching, and trying to piece things together from what others do is one way of starting your own business journey. However, this can only take you so far and often leads to overwhelm, confusion, and gaps.

The real growth comes when you invest in yourself and get the personalized support that YOU and YOUR business needs. This is a very different dynamic of decisions.

The Truth About Investing in Yourself

Oftentimes, entrepreneurs are scared to invest in themselves. The truth is, investing in yourself DOES NOT have to be about money.

Investing in yourself is all about your energy, your commitment, your network, your mindset, and your knowledge.

All of this creates confidence, strength, and power to move forward with real tangible next steps and action items.

I see this in my own clients all the time! The women saying YES right now are the women who know what they need and are making it happen. They are saying YES because they are committed to their own bigger picture and vision. They see how much support, energy, space, community, and strategy they get by having me as their mentor. They UNDERSTAND how this makes a difference to their growth and expansion.

It’s not about how many calls are involved or how many minutes they get with me. It’s about the energetic commitment and mutual relationships of GROWTH we enter into.

My clients email me between sessions, share docs for feedback between calls, voicenote me when they need support before another call, and connect in their Facebook group to get support and what they need, whenever they need it.

It’s all about the mutual understanding that growth and expansion is ALWAYS happening!

If you're ready to stop spinning your wheels piecing things together and truly invest in yourself, you can learn more about joining me in the Expansion Mastermind or in my 1:1 Mentorship!


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